Why Miyazaki Variety Of Mango Is Selling At Rs 2.50-3 Lakh A Kg, What Does It Taste Like?

The Exquisite Miyazaki Mango: A Taste of Luxury


Imagine a fruit so precious that it sells for Rs 2.50-3 lakh per kilogram. This is the reality for the Miyazaki mango, a variety that has garnered international attention not just for its extraordinary price but also for its exceptional taste, rarity, and aesthetic appeal. Originating from Miyazaki Prefecture in Japan, this mango has become a symbol of luxury and indulgence.

The Story Behind the Price Tag

Rarity and Cultivation

The Miyazaki mango, also known as "Egg of the Sun" (Taiyo no Tamago), is cultivated under stringent conditions, ensuring each mango meets the highest standards. The rarity begins with the location: Miyazaki Prefecture's climate is uniquely suited for mango cultivation, providing the perfect balance of warmth and sunlight. These mangoes are grown in greenhouses where temperature, humidity, and sunlight are meticulously controlled. This intensive process limits the number of mangoes produced each season, driving up their value.

Labor-Intensive Process

Growing a Miyazaki mango is a labor of love. Each fruit is carefully nurtured, protected from pests, and even shielded from excessive sunlight using small nets. Farmers inspect the mangoes daily, adjusting conditions to ensure optimal growth. This hands-on approach means that the production costs are significantly higher compared to regular mango varieties.

Appearance and Size

The visual appeal of the Miyazaki mango adds to its desirability. These mangoes are larger than average, weighing around 350 grams each. Their ruby-red skin is flawless, and they possess a perfectly oval shape, making them a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. The aesthetic perfection is a result of rigorous selection, where only the best-looking mangoes are chosen for sale.

The Taste Experience

Flavor Profile

The true allure of the Miyazaki mango lies in its unparalleled taste. When you take a bite, you're greeted with a symphony of flavors that sets it apart from any other mango. The flesh is incredibly juicy and tender, almost melting in your mouth. It boasts a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, with a rich, creamy texture that is often compared to the finest custard.


The Miyazaki mango also excels in aroma. Its fragrance is intense and inviting, with floral notes that hint at its exquisite flavor. This aroma is a sign of its freshness and ripeness, promising a delightful eating experience.

Nutritional Value

Beyond taste, the Miyazaki mango is also known for its nutritional benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and fiber, making it a healthy indulgence. The high nutritional content adds another layer of value to this already prestigious fruit.

Cultural Significance and Market Demand

Gift-Giving Tradition

In Japan, the Miyazaki mango is often given as a luxurious gift. Its presentation in elegant packaging and its association with high quality make it a popular choice for special occasions. This cultural practice of gifting has helped sustain the high market demand and justify its premium price.

International Acclaim

The reputation of the Miyazaki mango has spread beyond Japan. In recent years, it has gained international acclaim, particularly in countries like India, where it is seen as a status symbol. The rarity and unique qualities of the mango have captivated fruit enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.


The Miyazaki mango's journey from the greenhouse to the dining table is one of meticulous care, exceptional quality, and unparalleled taste. Its price of Rs 2.50-3 lakh per kilogram is a reflection of its rarity, the labor-intensive cultivation process, and its extraordinary flavor profile. For those fortunate enough to taste it, the Miyazaki mango offers an experience that transcends the ordinary, making it a true treasure in the world of fruits.

Whether enjoyed as a rare delicacy or given as an exquisite gift, the Miyazaki mango embodies the pinnacle of luxury. Its combination of visual beauty, tantalizing aroma, and divine taste ensures that it remains a coveted jewel in the realm of gourmet foods.