Benefit of Potassium Humate in Organic Farming Grow.

Potassium base Humic acid is a natural organic compound that is derived from decayed organic matter such as compost, manure, or peat. It can be used as an organic fertilizer to improve soil fertility and promote plant growth. Here are some ways that humic acid can be used to grow organic farming:

Potassium Humate 100%

  1. Improve soil structure: Humic acid can help to improve soil structure by binding to clay particles, creating larger pore spaces that allow for better water and air movement. This creates a more conducive environment for plant growth.

  2. Increase nutrient availability: Humic acid can chelate with nutrients, making them more available to plants. This is especially important in soils that are low in organic matter, as it can help to increase the number of nutrients that are available for plant uptake.

  3. Enhance plant growth: Humic acid has been shown to enhance plant growth by promoting root development, increasing shoot growth, and improving overall plant health. This can result in higher yields and better-quality crops.

  4. Reduce soil erosion: By improving soil structure and increasing root growth, humic acid can help to reduce soil erosion and prevent nutrient runoff.

To use humic acid in organic farming, it can be added to soil as a soil amendment or applied as a foliar spray to plant leaves. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the correct amount for your specific crop and soil type.